Refinery Equipment
- Code Of Construction As Per ASME SEC VII Div.1
- Dual Phase And Three Phase
- Horizontal And Vertical
- Internals: Baffles, Weir Plates, Demister Pads
- Custom Designed And High Pressure Seperators

- Columns Designed As Per Application/Specifications
- Columns As Designed As Per Application/Specifications
- Sizes Upto 5 mtr Dia X 50 mtr Height
- Application: Distilation And Gas Absorption
- Solvent Extraction
Filters And Coalescers
- ASME Coded Duplex Filterss
- Scrubbers
- Coalescers
- Knock Out Drums
- Sand Trap

API Piping Plans
- Containment Seal Plans
- Gas Seal Plan
- Primary Flush Plan
- Secondary Flush Plans
Heat Exchangers
- As Per TEMA Class R, C&B
- Types: One Pass, Dual Pass, Divided flow, Reboiler
- Types: One Pass, Dual Pass, Divided flow, Reboiler
- Working Pressure Upto-200 Kg/Cm